remarks - translation to russian
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remarks - translation to russian

Prefatory Remarks on Prose Translation of 'Beowulf'
  • 250px
  • French Wikisource: Hubert Pierquin]</ref> 1912

extension of remarks         
  • A page from the June 14 to 28, 1935, ''Congressional Record''
Extension of Remarks; Congressional Record of the United States of America; United States Congressional Record; The Congressional Record; Congressional Globe; C. R.; U.S. Congressional Record; US Congressional Record; Cong. Rec.; Cong. Globe
[амер.] приложение к речи в конгрессе (печатается как часть протокола)
noteworthy, remarkable
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• The remarks advanced in the preceding section ...


closing argument
n. the final argument by an attorney on behalf of his/her client after all evidence has been produced for both sides. The lawyer for the plaintiff or prosecution (in a criminal case) makes the first closing argument, followed by counsel for the defendant, and then the plaintiff's attorney can respond to the defense argument. Unlike the "opening statement," which is limited to what is going to be proved, the "closing argument" may include opinions on the law, comment on the opposing party's evidence, and usually requests a judgment or verdict (jury's decision) favorable to the client. See also: opening statement trial


On Translating Beowulf

"On Translating Beowulf" is an essay by J. R. R. Tolkien which discusses the difficulties faced by anyone attempting to translate the Old English heroic-elegiac poem Beowulf into modern English. It was first published in 1940 as a preface contributed by Tolkien to a translation of Old English poetry; it was first published as an essay under its current name in the 1983 collection The Monsters and the Critics, and Other Essays.

In the essay, Tolkien explains the difficulty of translating individual words from Old English, noting that a word like eacen ('large', 'strong', 'supernaturally powerful') cannot readily be translated by the same word in each case. He notes the problem of translating poetic kennings such as sundwudu ('flood-timber', i.e. 'ship') and that the language chosen by the poet was already archaic at that moment. He explains that such terms had echoes and connotations of another world, an "unrecapturable magic".

The essay describes Old English metre, with each line in two opposed halves. The stressed syllables in each half contained alliterating sounds in six possible patterns, which Tolkien illustrates using modern English. Rhyme is used only for special effects, such as to imitate waves beating on a shore. The essay ends with the observation that the whole poem is itself in two opposed halves, covering "Youth + Age; he rose – fell."

Critics note that Tolkien attempted and sometimes failed to follow the rules he laid down in the essay in his own alliterative verse, in his own translations, and indeed in the poetry in his narrative fiction such as The Lord of the Rings.

Pronunciation examples for remarks
1. remarks.
The Only Woman in the Room _ Eileen Pollack _ Talks at Google
2. my remarks.
Revolutions That'll Transform How We Live, Work & Think _ Viktor Mayer-Schonberger _ Talks at Google
3. disdainful remarks
4. So my remarks today--
GPS For Humanity _ Dr. Bradford Parkinson _ Talks at Google
5. to President Kennedy's remarks
Examples of use of remarks
1. When asked to comment on Bachchan‘s remarks, party general secretary Digvijay Singh countered "who has made the remarks?
2. McCLELLAN÷ Look, you have his remarks, you can go back and look at his remarks for yourself.
3. Transcripts of the president‘s midday remarks and remarks later on June 12 are available on the White House Web site.
4. What thoughtless and stupid remarks journalists make and what similarly thoughtless remarks some contributors here make too.
5. "I let people make remarks about me, but it doesn‘t touch me, all those remarks," Maharishi says, dismissing the skeptics.